Our finished film opening sequence.

Our finished film opening sequence.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

HW 3b - Existing Film Continuity Sequence Analysis (BLK)

This sequence uses the rules of continuity editing to create flow throughout the sequence.

  • At 0:26 there is an example of the thirty degree rule, as each shot of quicksilver is at least 3o degrees different to the last. This reduces the possibility of jump cuts. The use of the 30 degree rule continues throughout the rest of the sequence.
  • We can see the use of match-on-action at around 1:07 with quick silver running across the exploding floor. His movement matches up in the two shots, helping to give the sequence flow. This also helps us to suspend our disbelief as he moves naturally, and there aren't huge jumps in his movement.
  • This sequence also has many ellipses, allowing us to fill in the gaps in his movement, whilst still letting the action seem believable. In many of the shots quick silver runs off and back on from the same direction, which works as a kind of match-on-action for the ellipses, as it makes sense that the directions match.
  • In each of the separate rooms, as he runs through them, we get establishing shoots, usually using a slow pan, to follow his progress through the school and also accentuate how slow real life is in comparison.
  • At the end when real time returns we get sound-bridges of the children's screams to help create flow and show that everything is happening simultaneously, as well as creating a 'seamless' editing effect.
  • We can see an example of shot-reverse-shot at around 1:44. Here it is used to show quicksilver's reaction to the boys face adding comedy to the sequence as well as maintaining a good narrative flow.
  • Throughout the sequence we follow quicksilver's sound perspective, and the use of Sweat Dreams helps to work as a sound bridge throughout all the shots creating a good sense of narrative flow and story progression.
  • However there is a continuity error in this sequence. When quicksilver carries the dog through the building we briefly see rooms, such as the entrance hall, which we have already seen get destroyed in the explosion.

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