Our finished film opening sequence.

Our finished film opening sequence.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Construction Post 2: Our Main Shoot

Our Main shoot:
After our test-shoot we had the main-shoot, this was to create the footage needed for our finished product, and improve upon the problems we picked out in the test shoot.
For our main-shoot we didn't change much shot-wise from the test shoot. The only shots we completely changed were the walking around the house shots, the first shot, the end sequence, and we also added some bonus shots.

Main-shoot board Page 1
Main-shoot board Page 2
Main-shoot board Page 4

Main-shoot board Page 3

On the day me and Noa worked really well together and were able to finish the shoot in relatively good time.
Me filming a shot of Ray as Toby

Our Improvements:

  • We fixed a lot of the shots by completely eliminating the puppet from our sequence. Although it was a nice idea, it was just too clunky, and felt out of place with the rest of the sequence. We did consider purely having the puppet for the interview shots, but this just made what was meant to tie the whole sequence together, the interview shots, feel out of place.
  • By recasting Toby a lot of our acting and dialogue problems were fixed. Ray was a massive help to our project, he bought character to Toby, and was always happy to assist us if we needed a hand.
The Cast and Crew sitting down to a healthy lunch

  • We were also able to fix the other character issues by completely rewriting all the Kenny scenes in our sequence. This allowed us to create more humour and fix the character balancing problems we picked up on in the test-shoot.

  • Both me and Noa were particularly happy with shot 5, the opening shot. By having Joyce entering Toby's room and the camera follow her fixed the whole narrative and believably issue with the shot, that we picked up on in the test shoot.
Our new opening shot
  • For the interviews we improved the lighting and framing. we did this by better positioning the camera and actually using the lighting rigs. This made a hugely noticeable improvement to our footage. The interview shots also worked very well in general with all the dialogue and characters working really well. Joyce really embodied the character we had created.
An improved interview shot
  • The bonus shots were very useful as they allowed us to add in humour and good character moments that we could then cross cut into the sequence where we feel they were needed.
One of the bonus shots
Another bonus shot

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