Our finished film opening sequence.

Our finished film opening sequence.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Construction Post 9: My technical learning curve

My Technical Learning Curve:
At the beginning of this project I was already competent in the use of the camera and continuity filming from our Preliminary exercise, however i was able to really consolidate and improve on certain aspects of my media skills:

  • Framing:
    • Throughout this project my use of framing in shots is something that has greatly improved. For instance in the shot below you can see how much my framing for the interview shots has improved.
    Framing in the test shoot
    Framing from the main shoot

  • Lighting:
    • You can also see in the above shots how my use of lighting has improved. The Ari Lighting rigs are something we haven't really used before in Media, and I really enjoyed getting to grips with them throughout this project and learning how to properly light a shot.
  • Sound Mixing:
    • Me Sound Editing
    • Throughout this whole project I have really enjoyed editing the music for our sequence. This is something I haven't really done before, but I really enjoyed the opportunity for me to experiment and create a really good sounding final product. I am particularly proud of the ending of our sequence, and how the music ties into it.

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