Our finished film opening sequence.

Our finished film opening sequence.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Construction Post 8: My personal contribution to the Edit Sessions

My personal contribution to Editing:
Me and Noa worked really close together when editing, this allowed us to make big decisions relative to our sequence quickly, and to not leave the other out of the loop.
Me and Noa editing together

We did this by leaving each other notes when editing separately and by meeting up at least once a day to edit together.
One of our notes

Me Sound Editing
Personally I excelled at editing the music for our sequence, and remixing it so that it would be the right length for our opening, and that it would work with the shots. One part I am particularly proud of is the end sequence, with each shot change on the chords in the music.

Me and Noa shared the rest of the editing with each other, and this allowed us to constantly work and improve on each other's work, and create comedy through cuts and pauses.

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