Our finished film opening sequence.

Our finished film opening sequence.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?

How I have Progressed Across the Project:
Throughout the whole project I feel that I have really improved in my use of techniques for planning, filming and editing. The standard of my work has much improved, and it is nice to look back at the Preliminary Task and see how much I have improved since then.

A Timeline of Our Project:
Here is a timeline of our project from start to finish with all the videos that we created for it:

The Planning Process:
I created a mind-map to demonstrate the timelines of the planning process for the Prelim and the Main Project:
As you can see the planning process for the Main film project was a much more intricate and diverse process than what took place for the Preliminary Exercise.
It is also worth noting that we only had a short amount of time for the construction of the Prelim compared to that of our main project.

The Filming Process:
The Filming process for the Prelim and the Main Project was very different, as they both had to focus on different things.
The Prelim focused on continuity style editing and filming, whilst although this was also important for the main shoot, we had to focus also on translating the target audience of our film across using Media Language.

My Filming Improvements:
Most of the information on how I improved is covered  in my previous post about my technical improvements, but I will summarise here on how I improved from the Prelim to the Main Project:

  • Framing:
    • An area I really felt I have improved in throughout the course of this project, as back near the beginning of the project at the test shoot this was very bad, and has improved to what it is now.
    • However looking back on the Prelim, the framing was better there than in the test shoot, probably due to the large gap in time between the two, leading me to forget some of the skills I had learnt
  • Lighting:
    • We didn't use any lighting rigs for the Prelim.
    • However with the lighting we were able to produce a much better looking final product, especially compared to the test shoot. I feel that I have really gained good experience with the Ari Lighting Rigs.
Lighting in the Main Shoot
Lighting in the Test Shoot

The Editing Process:
The editing process for the Prelim was very different than that for the Main Project. As we had a much diminished timescale for the Prelim our editing process was a lot less involved. For the Prelim we didn't do any grading or sound mixing, and these are things that I have definitely improved on throughout the project, and have helped to improve our final product.
Like for filming most of the information on how I have improved is in the previous post, but I will summarise it here:

  • Grading:
    • At the beginning of the project I had had no experience at all with grading, and I feel that i really know how to do it now. It is definitely not one of my editing strong point, but I am competent enough at it to grade a shot well.
Grading a shot on Adobe Premier Pro
  • Sound Mixing:
    • I didn't really have any experience at this before the Main project and really enjoyed it, especially trying to get the cuts on the beat.
    • I was very pleased with the end sequence as the music fits really well with the cuts in the shots.

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