Our finished film opening sequence.

Our finished film opening sequence.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Construction Post 6: Reflections on Edit Week 2

Edit Week 2, the editing continues:
Our second week of editing went really well. Off the back of the back-up shoot we were really able to improve on our sequence, and add in the shots we had created over the weekend. From this point forward we were in the home straight and just had to add the finishing touches to our sequence.

In our second edit week we focused quite a lot on the grading and sound mixing. I really enjoyed mixing the sound to fit our project, whilst Noa had a lot of fun grading. However we both did do both of these jobs when need be.

Grading shots

Grading really allowed us to polish our sequence, and helped to pull the whole thing together as a working unit. Lots of our shots were too yellow, and this lead to us having to grade them quite a lot, but they came out really well, and we were able to create a good final product.

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